Over the past years, DOUROUB AL ATLAS is one of local companies located in Tripoli – Libya has witnessed tremendous growth and expansion across its diverse corporate portfolio
The tremendous growth of our business, in recent years, is the result of key achievements
One is the strong network of international partnerships that has been developed, based on our solid reputation at home, bringing scope and diversity to our portfolio of services
Through this wide network of global partnerships, we now have the strategic capabilities to expand the services we offer, delivering and complete, Logistics solutions in many of our sectors of operation
Another growth driver has been DOUROUB AL ATLAS co. introduction of its own range of exclusive services: these have given us a strong “stand-alone‟ dimension in many of our business areas and compliment theomancy’s strong track record for successful partnerships
Ethical conduct, high quality of work, credibility and transparent activity with our partners shape and form the Group’s foundation.
We do maintain effectiveness when experiencing major changes in work tasks or the work environment; also, we have the ability to adjust effectively within new work structures, processes or requirements
We do set high standards of performance, assuming responsibility and accountability toward the successful completion of assignments
We actively work on building our teamwork foundation to achieve our common goals, and objectives, after all we do believe in “Together Everybody Accomplishes More”
Mission : We will strive to provide our clients and partners with best in – class services, while achieving exceptional returns to our shareholder
We firmly believe that our employees are the main pillar in our success. Hence, we will continue to invest in them, in order to maintain our quality of work life
We will contribute to the environment through business success and community services
Vision : We will grow our business units, to be ranked among the top 3 professional companies in its field, by the year 2020